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Solar Analytics

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Monitoring Dashboard Access

Once we have completed the site registration in the Solar Analytics portal, an invitation email will automatically be sent for you to set up your account.

In most cases, this will be sent to the email address that you provided during the sales process with your installer.

The email subject will say “Welcome to Solar Analytics”.

Click on the ‘SET UP MY ACCOUNT NOW’ button in the email to activate your account and set a password.

Please note that this button can be used only once.

If you have not received the activation email 7 days after the Solar Analytics Monitoring device has been installed; please contact our office.

Preview of activation email

Where to access the Solar Analytics dashboard?

Your Solar Analytics dashboard can be accessed via mobile phone, tablet or computer.

Accessing the dashboard by computer:

Visit the link in your internet browser.
Alternatively, you can visit the Solar Analytics website and look for the ‘Log In’ button at the top right corner.

Monitoring Dashboard:

Official website:

Accessing the dashboard by tablet or smart phone:

For Android or iOs users, you can download the ‘My Solar’ app from Google Play or App Store.

Make an Enquiry

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Solar Analytics Links

Monitoring Dashboard:

Solar Analytics website:

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