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Solar Batteries

for Grid-connected Solar

Solar Energy Storage

New systems System upgrades Retrofit

Solar energy storage for new systems or retrofit to existing solar power.

Solar batteries can store excess energy that your solar power system generates so that it can be used overnight, during times of peak energy use, or in bad weather when solar output is low.

The use of energy storage batteries can increase energy independence, increase the self-consumption ratio, and improve the ROI of a solar power system.

Additionally, most battery systems can provide backup power if there is a grid blackout.

Grid-connected Solar & Battery Systems

Scenarios for battery installation

The installation of solar energy storage battery could occur under one of the following scenarios:
• New Solar + Battery system installation
• New system with Solar now & Battery later
• Retrofit Battery + Install additional solar panels
• Retrofit Battery only to an existing system

New Systems

New Solar with Batteries

New installations of solar power & energy storage batteries can be AC coupled or DC coupled systems.
The type of system and brand of components chosen will depend on a variety of factors.

Some of these include energy usage profile, power and energy storage capacity requirements, is backup power required, personal preference, and even the intended goal or objective.

Here are examples of Solar + Battery systems available from SolarWise Wagga:
• Enphase Microinverter system with a Tesla Powerwall.
• LG Energy Solution – with LG Panels, LG Inverter, and LG Battery.
• Redback Technologies – Smart Hybrid System.
• Fronius GEN24 Hybrid inverter with BYD Batteries.
• SolarEdge Power Optimiser systems with LG RESU Prime battery.

Each of these has its own set of features and benefits, and one may be more suitable than another depending on the specific situation or application. Some of the main aspects that vary are energy storage capacity, power delivery capability, scalability, AC or DC coupling method, and price.

Solar now – Battery later

Our advice: Don’t delay installing solar because you are waiting for batteries to be cheaper, or for newer technology to emerge.

A two-stage approach where you install solar now and add the battery to the system later is a sensible solution if there are budget considerations.
Even solar PV itself can be multi-staged if desired, with a modular system like Enphase microinverters making this easy to achieve.

A multi-staged approach will allow you to gather energy usage data, and thus make informed decisions about further system additions down the track.

You could continue paying high bills while you wait, or you can go solar now and start saving on energy costs from the moment your new system is switched on. Even if you don’t have the funds available upfront, a low-interest green energy loan can be tailored for you so that the repayments are covered by your savings.

Furthermore, holding back on making the move to solar could mean losing out on valuable solar rebates, as they gradually reduce each year.

System Upgrades

When adding batteries to existing solar power, additional panels may be required to increase energy production if it is an older small capacity system.

The first step in this scenario will be to calculate how much extra solar production capacity you need. This will be based on your current solar generation and energy usage profile.

Suitable battery options can then be selected to suit your requirements.


Providing your existing system is large enough, a solar battery can be added.
The addition of solar energy storage batteries to existing solar is most commonly done using the AC Coupled method of battery connection.

A primary consideration in this scenario will be your level of exported and imported energy.
Assessment & analysis of your energy profile will be necessary to make sure the storage capacity of the proposed battery addition is suitable.

These are three examples of AC coupled batteries that can retrofit to an existing system:
• Tesla Powerwall – Home Battery
• Redback Technologies – Smart Battery System
• Enphase – Encharge (available in Australia in 2022)

Sizing battery storage

The most important thing to consider when installing solar batteries for energy storage is making sure that they are sized correctly. This applies to both new systems and retrofitting to existing solar.

Calculating suitable battery storage capacity is impossible to do without a detailed understanding of your energy usage profile.
The best way to obtain the required information is from home energy monitoring. To a lesser extent, an assessment of energy bills can provide some insight into the amount of energy exported and imported.

With this data, and with the help of our design software, we can determine the optimum number of panels required for energy production and/or the battery storage capacity required.

Tesla Powerwall

Home Battery

Redback Technologies

Smart Battery System


IQ Battery 5P

Redback Technologies

Smart Hybrid System

Looking for detailed information about Solar Batteries?

  • Reasons for installing Solar Batteries
  • Battery Storage system types
  • Solar Battery coupling methods
  • Blackout protection – Backup power

“At SolarWise Wagga our philosophy is simple, we aim to provide relevant and reliable information, quality service, and the highest grade of products at a competitive price.”

When choosing SolarWise Wagga, you can feel confident that you will have a professionally designed system that meets your present and future energy requirements, is well suited to your property, and will provide an excellent return on your investment.

Our solar battery energy storage systems are designed, installed and commissioned by our team of licensed technicians, with CEC accreditation for both grid-connected and off-grid solar PV and battery systems.

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